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Cargill MiApp Login Credentials Request Form
* First Name
* Last Name
* Company Email Address
* Company Name
* Office Location — COUNTRY
* Office Location — CITY (spell out)
* Channel
* Region
* Cargill Account Manager Email Address (if you are a Cargill employee, please enter your Cargill email address)
Legal Disclaimer MiApp is offered by Cargill, Incorporated. The information within MiApp does not constitute: investment service, investment advice, or financial product advice as defined by laws and/or regulations in any jurisdiction, and the contents should not be construed as investment, legal or tax advice. Each person should seek independent investment, legal and tax advice concerning the consequence of entering into any pricing decision. The information and materials contained in MiApp are subject to change without notice. Cargill does not guarantee the results or outcome of any action or inaction based on such information. Recipients of MiApp should conduct their own analysis, using such assumptions as they deem appropriate, and should fully consider other available information in making a decision